Sunday, 19 August 2012
Thursday, 14 June 2012
the road less traveled
That picture pretty much exemplifies my life to this point. Lotta traveling, but not really going anywhere.
I was even on this one for a while....... like it, in similar conditions.
This one I was on, with my motorcycle, too. As usual, alone on 99% of the ride, but met some people on the way up to the top. Its mt washington, by the way. There's a reason why they sell bumper stickers that say "this car climbed mt washington". No other Mt in the eastern U.S. like that one.
This one? Ive been on many times. MOST of the time, actually.
Now it seems Im here. Or close to it. I know where each road leads to, thats all that matters. This is my blog, after all. I only have to explain the things I want you to understand. The rest of what I write here, is for me.
Know what this road is called? Its in Montana. It has a very fitting name.
This one is too obvious.
Im tired.
and I feel like this.
Everything can be beautiful. Out of context.
Friday, 25 May 2012
of evolution and the Desperate Housewives
Its a quaint subject, and I could post for days on the subject of evolution and its secondary originator, Charles Darwin , but I won't. This is where smart people comment about me writing stupid phrases like "secondary originator", and then scurry off to google to see what they don't know about charles darwin and all "his" idears about evolution............
Ok. We all have a basic idea about the concept of evolution. Start as a amoeba or zygote and emerge from a smoldering hurling through space fireball of toxic supernova aftermath, and after three weeks less than an eternity of time, change due to adaptive abilities into an inconceivably complex myriad of organisims and ecosystems and beings................. yeah thats a pretty good summary.
I'm speaking of evolution on a much more personal level. Mine.
The problem with evolution , and I'm speaking here of evolution of thought and beliefs, is that it doesn't go like climbing a ladder from (at least for me) one level of awareness to another higher level of awareness. Its much more like that scene from Monsters Inc, where Scully and mike grabowski and Boo jumped from one magic closet door conveyor track to another. Hundreds of tracks with millions of doors on them, all traveling in different levels and directions of travel, at very high speeds.
If you dont have kids and never saw the movie, imagine suspending a dozen hand grenades in a large warehouse, at different levels of height and in different locations throughout the warehouse, which by the way, is empty.
Now set them off. Simultaniously.The thousands of fragments of steel chards would travel in different directions on different planes. Got it? Imagine riding on one of those pieces, then deciding at some point to jump off the one your riding on and leap to one traveling near yours, but going in a totally different direction.
THATS what its been like.
And if you cant draw a mental picture from that, you have no business here.
Is it just me, or is everything changing like that?
Do you still watch the news on tv, or listen to what they tell us is news, on tv (or the radio?) Now I know this is nothing new in the bitch about life dept., but its gotten REALLY bad in the past few years, and it seems to be getting worse almost daily.
Or is it just me?
My tolerance to let the tv stay on in the backround is almost nonexistant anymore. In a few short years I went from believing everything I wanted to know was on the right channel or show or network, to believing each one is as retarded as the next, and worse than the last. Now I turn it on to see if the tv news in the morning has video of europe in smoking ruins or california being called the new atlantis, or something along those lines, and thats pretty much it.
Once I hear the people start to talk about a story of a house fire in Mcadoo or the latest run/walk/jog/'all-you-can-eat-fest to end breast cancer, or the 18 minute description of todays weather.......*click* goes the clicker. Alls right with the world. For another day at least.
I used to love and believe in, america.
I don't anymore.
I used to love and believe politics was important and more important than important, that it was REAL.
I cant believe I used to believe that anymore.
I used to think I believed In God.
But it was like saying "I don't believe in gravity", while deciding to NOT jump off the cliff.
What you believe is what you DO. I just told that to my daughter today. As a counter to what she was being told by her mother.
"If you love something, set it free, if it comes back to you it is yours".....blah blah blah. You know the phrase. Its pasted on a piece of shellacked pecan wood in the spare bedroom of your moms house.
What the plaque DOESNT say, is "If you love something, curse it and do everything you can to destroy it completely, and at the same time, tell your little girl that you still love, "it". That, is just twisted.
I used to watch the show Desperate Housewives, back in the day when all was right with the world. I even used to discuss the previous night's episode with a guy I worked with. I liked it back then. Of course I liked a lot back then. Even so, it had some interesting story lines and..............well we talked about it while working, not sharing a hot tub together. Lets let it go at that.
A few weeks ago the series finalle was on, and I watched it.
Seems one of the shows primary couples, Tom and Linette, were split up. Seems Tom went and got himself a new and improved life partner, and even moved in with her, or verse-vice-a. It also seems that despite this fact Linette still loved Tom, and ACTED like she did. At the end of the show, Tom and Linette got back together in made for tv dramatic fashion, and lived happily ever after in our imaginations.
and I KNOW, the dots I connected with Lynettes actions, and Tom's Re-actions, weren't connected by anyone watching, except me. I turned to my new and improved life partner and told her what I got out of the show, and she licked me. Then I let her go outside to go pee.
The more I examine myself and what I think and believe, the more I realize how wrong Ive been and how much more I need to know. But I know that I was on the right track, cuz I was moving. You cant sit with your arms folded tightly and your mind folded even tighter, and expect to learn anything.
gotta keep moving.
evolving, so to speak.
Monday, 30 April 2012
Judo tactics in the War of The Roses.
Johnathan Kay wrote a book debunking in a very logical very intellectual way, conspiracy theories in the west. His comments can be heard here. Evidently its ok for Syrians or people in "that kind of a closed society" to believe that THEIR government is less than honorable, but here in the west, where we have an open and independent media, its a preposterous concept. Basically, its nothing more than
"theres nothing to see here folks, there is nothing behind the curtain to see, just move along and believe what you are told." ANY thought regarding reality, that is anything other that what we are told by our government and/or our media sources, is silly nonsense. One can't even inspect or research any ideas other than mainstream, because to do so is wacked-out idiocy. To entertain ideas other than mainstream, IS other than mainstream, and that can only be categorized as loony. Insane. Mal-adjusted irrational unbalanced unhealthy conspiracy theories.
I have posted a lot of thoughts here in the past few years. A lot of things that amateurs have tried to debunk, and others have tried to discredit me for. Ok, more than tried. Just giving to others what I have posted here to READ is enough to discredit me in some circles. To believe what I have written and purport to believe is evidence enough for 99.999% of people in America today. Most of the stuff I've written about is easily debunked, for people that want to debunk it. For non-believers that is. As I have stated on numerous occasions building seven was the lynchpin of paradigm shifts for me, and there is no government or media evidence to change my mind regarding it. At least none that I have seen. And anyone who knows me knows that I too poo-poohed 9-11 conspiracy theories up until just a few years ago. Vehemently. The evidence and facts surrounding building seven at ground zero, things like the BBC reporter reporting building seven has collapsed on live tv, while building seven still stood in the background in her video report, make it insane FOR ME, to believe that what we were told, is the truth. You can't look at the evidence and conclude, UNLESS YOU WANT TO BELIEVE WHAT YOU WERE TOLD, that it was in fact, truth.
As with most conspiracy theorists, my train of thinking evolved from the "well if they lied to us about (X), then what ELSE are they lying to us about??? Once you stick your head down the proverbial rabbit hole, there really is no turning back. All bets are off and everything is open to inspection and re-thinking.
I have written on false flags, 9-11, and eeeeevil conspiracies of all types sizes and origins. A few who read my opinions, out of the few who actually do, have attempted to debunk with easily googled-retorts. It didnt work. They went back to their corner of reality where everything is as they believe and are told it is, and I went back to my reality of "holy frick. what IF....."
In the video debate (C-SPAN) that I linked above, webster tarpley detailed WHY the conspiracy theory of 9-11 isn't as preposterous as people think it is. BUT, it won't matter. It is so very hard to flip that switch that changes EVERYTHING in one's life. Everything. Trust me, I know. Its safer and cozier in la-la land, where one does and believes what they are told, where life is as its always been.
I am writing this here and now because my beliefs and my posts here, are going to be used in an attempt to discredit me, as a father and as a rational thinking human being.
In typical mob mentality fashion, presenting what I write and believe, and then saying ANYTHING one feels like saying, makes what they are saying more credible, and me less so. "lookit what he wrote here!!! THEN he said and did........"
See how it works?
I'm BEGGING for this to be brought up, and in case you didn't notice, my mind is a veritable cornucopia of information, filled with a zillion lit wires and lightbulbs pointing in a zillion different directions, yet all somehow connected. I DARE you to bring this up. I don't need google or wikileaks to respond to questions or accusations, the magazine is locked and loaded and ready to go. And so am I.
You won't listen to the interviews on the link I posted here, because there is facebook to update and angry birds to play and dancing with the stars to watch. So yet again, you don't know what you're getting into. All you know is what you are told.
Yeah yeah yeah. You still think I'M the crazy one. Lemme ax you sumtin.
What religion do you belong to? I mean, what church, denomination, or sub-demonination do you belong to?
Christianity? Catholic? Evangelical?
So you believe that a 40 somethin year old man was bethrothed to a 15 year old girl, the girl became miraculously preggers, the old man bought the story, because of a visit from a magical being in a dream? The baby grew up to perform miracles and teach people about God in the sky? He also talked about, and TO, so called "demonic" beings affecting and inhabiting other peoples?? That he was killed than he came back to life and walked around for 40 days and then was whisked up into the sky??? That the earth is supposedly only 6 or so thousand years old, and that The God who is the father of the baby born under miraculous circumstances made EVERYTHING in 6 days!?!?!?!?!? That 2 people named adam and eve were the beginning of human beings on earth, and of their first two offspring, one killed the other?????? WHO did they breed with to populate the earth???? Why did adam cry out to The God because he was scared of WHO was outside the garden, when The God ordered him out of the garden of eden??? Who WHO?!?!? He and his wife were the only ones around!!!
YOU subscribe to THAT, and you call ME, crazy? Or is it because you don't believe EVERYTHING about the church or religious denomination you belong to. You BELONG to it, but you pick and choose what you believe about it. Or more likely, you don't THINK about what it is you purport to believe in. You hold a general "god is a nice benovolent Uncle-kinda guy in the sky who we turn to when we need a raise or a vacation or cancer cured or when buildings get hit by planes". You know, god. You know, what EVERYBODY believes in about god. What won't get you ostracised or laughed at or criticized or banned from facebook.
You may go to a church and go through the motions and hope for the best and even DO your pretty close to good enough, best. Most catholics under 50 or 60 have NEVER believed in the catholic church's stance on birth control, or even sex for that matter. Yet they remained catholics. I guess they(we) knew better than the designers of the faith. Or at least that denomination.
Huh. You came to a different conclusion than what you were told. By officials. I suspect its because sex feels so dammed good and it CAN'T be something a uncle-kinda-guy-in-the-sky-we-turn-to would EVER label a BAD thing, right??? So we came to a different conclusion because it affected us so dammed personally. And it feels so good.
Amazing what influences our decisions.
We can't take shampoo or bottled water on an airplane, for our safety. We have to take our shoes off and have your naked body viewed by less than professional, officials of the government, for our safety. Pretty soon, as per statements and proclomations by official homeland security officials, we are ALL going to be subjected to intrusive extreme levels of inspection, to enter shopping malls and bus terminals and sports arenas..........all in the name of our safety.
And all of this is because of 9-11. Yet to link the idiocy of the former with the latter, is considered lunacy. Kinda like virgin birth stories and angel and demon stories, heyna? Its a good thing homeland security doesn't outlaw sex. THEN the enlightment would begin in earnest in this country.
So we moderate our beliefs. A little of this, a little of that..........and we have OUR faith. At least one that we can kinda sometimes unless it interferes with our goals, adhere to.
Oh, you don't have a faith? At least not one lumped into a major religion category?
Oh, you're one of the really enlightened folks, arentcha??
The faith of goodness of people or at least, SMART people. The ones who sit around big wooden tables on sunday mornings sipping coffee and discussing enlightened ideas.
Doesn't matter. One cancer diagnosis usually turns enlightened believers in the goodness of mankind, into pretty strong believers in a good uncle in the sky, god religion.
Doesn't matter. Pick a religion. ANY religion. Muhammed married a 9 year old. Waited till she was 12 to have sex with her, but he married her when she was in 2nd grade. (oh fer cryin out loud you KNOW what I mean). Buddha named his son garbage. And Buddah never claimed to be anyone or anything. It'd be like naming Dick Clark a god and studying all of his wonderful philosophies, if he had any. Point is, Dick Clark never claimed to be a god.
Pick a religion any religion, and I can pick it apart for you believing in it.
And if you are an atheist, then you're the stupid-est of the bunch, because to not believe in anything, is the stupid-est belief of all. Yeah, humans are a hundred zillion years old and we haven't wiped ourselves out yet. The 6,000 year old scenario seems more realistic when you look at how we seem so hell-bent on destroying each other. 6,000 years seems to be a stretch of the imagination when it comes to humans allowing other humans to exist on earth. Oldest civilization on earth is the Chinese, and they ENSLAVE their citizens.
Yeah. Evolution. Thats it.
So there you have it. You're as crazy as I am, maybe moreso. Or, you don't even really know what it is you believe about what you believe. At least I know and can talk about what I believe. Most of you would never state what it is you believe, for moderations sake. To not offend or appear to be an extremist. To not stand out. I'm not like you.
We (you) live for what we (you) are told to live for. The weekend. Vacations. Holidays that are for "families getting together". Retirement at the end of the long green line. Or our children.
Sounds reasonable. And of course we go to church sometimes and pray when its 4th and goal and like I said, when we get a cancer diagnosis.
There is nothing crazier in what I have posted here, about anything, than there is about the so called faith you so called believe in. The only difference is, I know more about both what I have written about, and what you supposedly believe in. And I dont have a church full of like minded believers to hide behind. Not on some of the so called conspiracy stuff.
Use the momentum of your opponents actions to defeat him. Use what HE does, to defeat him.
"theres nothing to see here folks, there is nothing behind the curtain to see, just move along and believe what you are told." ANY thought regarding reality, that is anything other that what we are told by our government and/or our media sources, is silly nonsense. One can't even inspect or research any ideas other than mainstream, because to do so is wacked-out idiocy. To entertain ideas other than mainstream, IS other than mainstream, and that can only be categorized as loony. Insane. Mal-adjusted irrational unbalanced unhealthy conspiracy theories.
I have posted a lot of thoughts here in the past few years. A lot of things that amateurs have tried to debunk, and others have tried to discredit me for. Ok, more than tried. Just giving to others what I have posted here to READ is enough to discredit me in some circles. To believe what I have written and purport to believe is evidence enough for 99.999% of people in America today. Most of the stuff I've written about is easily debunked, for people that want to debunk it. For non-believers that is. As I have stated on numerous occasions building seven was the lynchpin of paradigm shifts for me, and there is no government or media evidence to change my mind regarding it. At least none that I have seen. And anyone who knows me knows that I too poo-poohed 9-11 conspiracy theories up until just a few years ago. Vehemently. The evidence and facts surrounding building seven at ground zero, things like the BBC reporter reporting building seven has collapsed on live tv, while building seven still stood in the background in her video report, make it insane FOR ME, to believe that what we were told, is the truth. You can't look at the evidence and conclude, UNLESS YOU WANT TO BELIEVE WHAT YOU WERE TOLD, that it was in fact, truth.
As with most conspiracy theorists, my train of thinking evolved from the "well if they lied to us about (X), then what ELSE are they lying to us about??? Once you stick your head down the proverbial rabbit hole, there really is no turning back. All bets are off and everything is open to inspection and re-thinking.
I have written on false flags, 9-11, and eeeeevil conspiracies of all types sizes and origins. A few who read my opinions, out of the few who actually do, have attempted to debunk with easily googled-retorts. It didnt work. They went back to their corner of reality where everything is as they believe and are told it is, and I went back to my reality of "holy frick. what IF....."
In the video debate (C-SPAN) that I linked above, webster tarpley detailed WHY the conspiracy theory of 9-11 isn't as preposterous as people think it is. BUT, it won't matter. It is so very hard to flip that switch that changes EVERYTHING in one's life. Everything. Trust me, I know. Its safer and cozier in la-la land, where one does and believes what they are told, where life is as its always been.
I am writing this here and now because my beliefs and my posts here, are going to be used in an attempt to discredit me, as a father and as a rational thinking human being.
In typical mob mentality fashion, presenting what I write and believe, and then saying ANYTHING one feels like saying, makes what they are saying more credible, and me less so. "lookit what he wrote here!!! THEN he said and did........"
See how it works?
I'm BEGGING for this to be brought up, and in case you didn't notice, my mind is a veritable cornucopia of information, filled with a zillion lit wires and lightbulbs pointing in a zillion different directions, yet all somehow connected. I DARE you to bring this up. I don't need google or wikileaks to respond to questions or accusations, the magazine is locked and loaded and ready to go. And so am I.
You won't listen to the interviews on the link I posted here, because there is facebook to update and angry birds to play and dancing with the stars to watch. So yet again, you don't know what you're getting into. All you know is what you are told.
Yeah yeah yeah. You still think I'M the crazy one. Lemme ax you sumtin.
What religion do you belong to? I mean, what church, denomination, or sub-demonination do you belong to?
Christianity? Catholic? Evangelical?
So you believe that a 40 somethin year old man was bethrothed to a 15 year old girl, the girl became miraculously preggers, the old man bought the story, because of a visit from a magical being in a dream? The baby grew up to perform miracles and teach people about God in the sky? He also talked about, and TO, so called "demonic" beings affecting and inhabiting other peoples?? That he was killed than he came back to life and walked around for 40 days and then was whisked up into the sky??? That the earth is supposedly only 6 or so thousand years old, and that The God who is the father of the baby born under miraculous circumstances made EVERYTHING in 6 days!?!?!?!?!? That 2 people named adam and eve were the beginning of human beings on earth, and of their first two offspring, one killed the other?????? WHO did they breed with to populate the earth???? Why did adam cry out to The God because he was scared of WHO was outside the garden, when The God ordered him out of the garden of eden??? Who WHO?!?!? He and his wife were the only ones around!!!
YOU subscribe to THAT, and you call ME, crazy? Or is it because you don't believe EVERYTHING about the church or religious denomination you belong to. You BELONG to it, but you pick and choose what you believe about it. Or more likely, you don't THINK about what it is you purport to believe in. You hold a general "god is a nice benovolent Uncle-kinda guy in the sky who we turn to when we need a raise or a vacation or cancer cured or when buildings get hit by planes". You know, god. You know, what EVERYBODY believes in about god. What won't get you ostracised or laughed at or criticized or banned from facebook.
You may go to a church and go through the motions and hope for the best and even DO your pretty close to good enough, best. Most catholics under 50 or 60 have NEVER believed in the catholic church's stance on birth control, or even sex for that matter. Yet they remained catholics. I guess they(we) knew better than the designers of the faith. Or at least that denomination.
Huh. You came to a different conclusion than what you were told. By officials. I suspect its because sex feels so dammed good and it CAN'T be something a uncle-kinda-guy-in-the-sky-we-turn-to would EVER label a BAD thing, right??? So we came to a different conclusion because it affected us so dammed personally. And it feels so good.
Amazing what influences our decisions.
We can't take shampoo or bottled water on an airplane, for our safety. We have to take our shoes off and have your naked body viewed by less than professional, officials of the government, for our safety. Pretty soon, as per statements and proclomations by official homeland security officials, we are ALL going to be subjected to intrusive extreme levels of inspection, to enter shopping malls and bus terminals and sports arenas..........all in the name of our safety.
And all of this is because of 9-11. Yet to link the idiocy of the former with the latter, is considered lunacy. Kinda like virgin birth stories and angel and demon stories, heyna? Its a good thing homeland security doesn't outlaw sex. THEN the enlightment would begin in earnest in this country.
So we moderate our beliefs. A little of this, a little of that..........and we have OUR faith. At least one that we can kinda sometimes unless it interferes with our goals, adhere to.
Oh, you don't have a faith? At least not one lumped into a major religion category?
Oh, you're one of the really enlightened folks, arentcha??
The faith of goodness of people or at least, SMART people. The ones who sit around big wooden tables on sunday mornings sipping coffee and discussing enlightened ideas.
Doesn't matter. One cancer diagnosis usually turns enlightened believers in the goodness of mankind, into pretty strong believers in a good uncle in the sky, god religion.
Doesn't matter. Pick a religion. ANY religion. Muhammed married a 9 year old. Waited till she was 12 to have sex with her, but he married her when she was in 2nd grade. (oh fer cryin out loud you KNOW what I mean). Buddha named his son garbage. And Buddah never claimed to be anyone or anything. It'd be like naming Dick Clark a god and studying all of his wonderful philosophies, if he had any. Point is, Dick Clark never claimed to be a god.
Pick a religion any religion, and I can pick it apart for you believing in it.
And if you are an atheist, then you're the stupid-est of the bunch, because to not believe in anything, is the stupid-est belief of all. Yeah, humans are a hundred zillion years old and we haven't wiped ourselves out yet. The 6,000 year old scenario seems more realistic when you look at how we seem so hell-bent on destroying each other. 6,000 years seems to be a stretch of the imagination when it comes to humans allowing other humans to exist on earth. Oldest civilization on earth is the Chinese, and they ENSLAVE their citizens.
Yeah. Evolution. Thats it.
So there you have it. You're as crazy as I am, maybe moreso. Or, you don't even really know what it is you believe about what you believe. At least I know and can talk about what I believe. Most of you would never state what it is you believe, for moderations sake. To not offend or appear to be an extremist. To not stand out. I'm not like you.
We (you) live for what we (you) are told to live for. The weekend. Vacations. Holidays that are for "families getting together". Retirement at the end of the long green line. Or our children.
Sounds reasonable. And of course we go to church sometimes and pray when its 4th and goal and like I said, when we get a cancer diagnosis.
There is nothing crazier in what I have posted here, about anything, than there is about the so called faith you so called believe in. The only difference is, I know more about both what I have written about, and what you supposedly believe in. And I dont have a church full of like minded believers to hide behind. Not on some of the so called conspiracy stuff.
Use the momentum of your opponents actions to defeat him. Use what HE does, to defeat him.
Friday, 20 April 2012
Dazed and Confused
Opinions are like………well…….you know. And everybody has them.
What if they’re ALL wrong!? Not just the ones you disagree with, I mean
ALL of them!? Even (GASP!) yours? I have linked a video of Judge Andrew
Napolitano in a previous post, in which he talked along this very
subject line. What IF…… in, “what IF everything you
believed, (in this case, about America), was wrong”? Now you can claim the Judge was as wacked out
as you claim I am, and he having been
fired from the much respected, much
maligned Foxnews, you think you’d have a case there. But you’d be wrong about that too. I believe he was fired, because he was one
of the very few people who GOT it right, or correct, as the case may be.
Can’t have revolutionary nonsense like that on something so mainstream a
(yankee doodle dandy
Veteran-supporting-pro-apple pie-and-drone-attack-backers that they are)
network like Foxnews, now can we???
I’m going to dumb down his version of my thoughts, or verse-vice-a.
What IF, America wasn’t all you believed it was? What IF, WE weren’t the “good” guys in the
world? What IF, voting was as useless an endeavor as placing a smoke alarm on
top of the pile of rubble at ground zero on 9-12???
I read some opinions in the
newspaper today, regarding the current elections to be held in Pa. The writers stated how their guy, was just what was
needed, to FINALLY get Washington D.C. “back on track”, or to make lollypops
grow on trees or to make Unicorns out of groundhogs, or some such ridiculous
fantasy. I can’t believe that people
STILL believe that “if we just elect the right guy or gal, THEN we will set
this country “back on track”. I know, I
know, all politics are local, and all perception is even more local, or anecdotal,
as the case may be. What is one man’s
American Rockwell Utopia, is another (African-American’s) “can’t drink
out of their water fountain or ride on
their bus”, hell on earth. Same exact
time period, same exact country, but two very different opinions. Both right, both wrong. Just depends on which one you ask for the
People thought JFK was THE guy to
get this country back on track. Back on
the track that his predecessor, Dwight
David Eisenhower, warned quite alarmingly, that we have swerved completely off
the rails. (read Eisenhower’s farewell speech to America. It’ll open your eyes) Well, it seems that
someone disagreed with the notion of JFK being the end all be all for this
nations re-allignment programs, as it were.
Oh I KNOW, more conspiracy nonsense from a conspiracy nut. Well here’s what I DO know, and not just
suspect. There was a CIA plan called
Operation Northwoods, where American military troops and CIA operatives, were
to be used to attack specific neighborhoods in the Miami, Fla area, while
masquerading as Cuban military force members.
This was to be done, according to official CIA documents, to stir up
support for an invasion of Cuba, and a coup of the Castro regime there. Well, JFK said Ixnay to the CIA’s plan, and
not only that, but he said double Ixnay to sending troops into Vietnam, because
he felt it wasn’t a war or conflict that the united states of America had any
business being involved with. The
military industrial complex, which by the by Eisenhower mentioned specifically
as THE greatest threat this nation faced,
had a completely different opinion regarding Vietnam, and soon after JFK
was killed by one crazed lone gunman for crazy reasons we will never know, Kennedy’s successor LBJ said “sure, why NOT?”
to sending advisors, arms, equipment
and eventually, 56,000 americans to their graves there. But the economy sure perked up with all war
stuff that needed making, didn’t it? Now
only a crazy conspiracy theorist would EVER connect dots between a sitting
president disagreeing to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars, with what the immediately previous sitting
president called “the greatest threat this nation faces”, and said sitting
president getting assassinated, but hey, that’s just the way I think. SMART people think it was one lone wack-job
for wacky reasons shooting said president……….
Back to the future, and the current senate races in Pa. So we STILL have people who believe “if ONLY
we could get the right guy in office…….”
And they believe it with all their heart, soul, and minds. Are they wrong, or just misguided?
Here’s what they’re wrong
about. America. Voting.
Believing that they have a choice, or that supposed choice makes ANY
difference at all. Young voters in particular believe they have a
choice. They are all kinds of supportive
for Ron Paul in the presidential race, but like I told every Ron Paul supporter
I’ve talked to in the past year or two, your choice and enthusiasm won’t amount
to anything at all. Ron Paul isn’t going
to win the nomination, because as Lindsay Williams stated 18 months ago, before
all the hyped up pseudo drama of the republican primary race, “Mitt Romney is
the chosen republican nominee”. 18
months ago. Having read heard and understood
that fact 18 months ago, it made the idiocy of the political pundits who hand
wrung every possible bit of false drama they could out of the so called primary
so called elections, crystal stinking clear. It was laughable
to the point of being heartbreaking. While watching the "race" unfold, the obviousness
of the grand illusion and everything that went with it, was crystal-obvious-clear . Everything I had believed
in and held dear, was shown to me to be a disgusting murderous lie.
The Gulf of Tonkin.
Ever heard of that? It was a false flag operation, like operation
northwoods, except it was “allowed” (that means unlike JFK, LBJ gave it his
stamp of presidential approval) to be a successful operation. It was executed with perfection to the point
that it was THE event that got congress at least, behind the effort that was necessary to defeat those damn
commies in the region there. False
flags are historically designed to muster up patriotism and vengeance of the
people of a nation against a supposed perpetrating nation. The Gulf of Tonkin incident hardly drummed up
the masses here in America, but it was sufficient to get congress and a
seemingly skeptical media enough in line to move forward with the
militarization of VietNam. For those of
you who haven’t googled it yet, the gulf Of Tonkin incident was where U.S.
Naval ships supposedly were (without provocation or cause), attacked by forces
from the peoples republic of North Vietnam.
Except that in 2004, while speaking at Harvard University, Robert
McNamara (then U.S. sec. of defense) admitted publicly that it was in fact a
false flag event. In other words, a lie,
by the military industrial complex, and it was THE reason we had to get
involved in Vietnam, militarily. Do you
SEE how easy it is to be a “conspiracy theorist”? Almost as easy as believing your political
party is the good one. The one with
america’s best interests at heart. It
takes more effort to NOT come to these conclusions. And we all know Americans are about nothing
if not minimal effort.
So what does this mean? So what, incidents from half a generation
ago. So what? Well,
unless Dwight David Eisenhower’s warning came with the caveat “oh, and you
don’t have to worry beyond the year 1999, because by then the military
industrial complex will go away by design…….”
You HAVE to assume, conspiracy theorist or not, that the same people/
powers that be, will not stop doing what they have been caught doing, even WITH
some silly congressional proclamation demanding as much. Unless you’re a trusting political party
member Farmville mafiawars zombie apocalypse hero goofball, it means you HAVE to think about it. Or not.
I understand what it means to be trusting. Unless and until it is a story on Nightline
or GMA or NBC nightly news, its not REAL.
Because we trust. We
Falsely. Fatally, falsely, and in perpetuity.
So how far down the rabbit hole
does this story go? Well for most, the
story ends at the rim of the hole, and they stand above scoffing and ridiculing
anything contained therein. That’s the
easy, reasonable way to deal with troubling information.
I saw an interview by foxnews of
a navy seal sniper. Not just any sniper,
but the sniper with more recorded documented verified kills than any other
American sniper. He was asked why, in
his book, did he call the people he was about to or did kill, “savages”. His
reply was, “because they were. Because
of their actions". I understand that its
easier to pull the trigger on a human being if you believe hes not a human
being, but merely some lesser, say 2/3rds of a human, humanoid. But this much I do know. It is and was a war that once again, we had
no right to be involved with, and the people we killed wholesale, had their
country invaded and occupied unjustly (if there is such a thing as a just war),
and by God if some other nation invaded and set up camp in MY nation, I’d
surely be cataloged by them, as a “savage”.
But hey, WE’RE the good guys.
We’re the American military! We
don’t kill innocents…….um, well sometimes, but if that dammed traitor Julian
Assange hadn’t leaked the video from that traitor American corporal, the guilty
parties would STILL be free…………um….well….the guilty helicopter pilots who
killed civilians like bugs or aliens on
a computer game, ARE free and uncharged, while the eeeeeeeevil peon of an army
cpl, is locked up and forever disgraced, with the help even of the American
media. Yeah, and we’re the good
guys. The whole war in Iraq was
supposedly because saddam Hussein was involved with 9-11. SOME say 9-11 was the false flags of false
flag events. I say it wasn’t. THAT one, is coming up, soon. There are some estimates that place the
number of Iraqi citizens killed by American soldiers, to be at least, a
million. For a war that we never should
have started in the first place. In a
place we never should have been in.
Even the republican conservative Floyd R. Turbos are beginning to
question what the heck we’re doing in Afghanistan. We need a REAL war, with the support of the
American people behind it!!!!! No more
fence sittin next time, we need solidarity!!!
(look out Iran, the military industrial complex has you squarely in its
sights, and they ain’t kidding around this time. ) The
Chinese Lithium miners in Afghanistan are pretty safe, for the most part. The grumblings of the American taxpayers are
getting louder and louder, and at some point, the American military escort for Chinese miners, is going
to come to an end.
Today, I was listening to Dr. Tony Evans on the radio, and he was
talking about “being a good Godly voter in the upcoming elections”. Again,
another perfect example of everyone getting it wrong. A Godly voter??? Really?
What exactly does a godly voter, vote for? A Godly candidate? You mean Like George W Bush!? The conservative evangelical right was all behind
Bush in the last election he was in, and they stood holding their noses behind
McCain in the election after that.
Because Bush had the title of “saved”, a TRUE believer in Jesus, the
voting right stood lockstep behind him.
And, I was one of them doing so.
THE issue to most evangelicals, is the abortion situation in America
today. Their hope and prayer is to
outlaw abortion in this country, but to believe that is going to happen, is
idiocy, not just silly. This nation,
the one that the evangelicals believe can be brought back to its right standing
in God’s sight, is instead (in my opinion), about to be judged by the same god,
for what we really are. Not for what
evangelicals BELIEVE this country is, it is going to be laid waste, for what
“conspiracy theorists” understand it to be.
The evil it is. Don’t get me
wrong, I don’t believe Mary the 2nd grade teacher or Joe the garbage
truck driver is evil, but America the
beautiful, is evil at its heart, its organizational core. The marys and the joes are just deceived into
believing its all sunshine and lollypops and spreading democracy with drones is
a good thing. And all that.
Christians, wake up. America isn’t what you believe it is. Let me ask you something. At what point in biblical history did people
EVER get it “right”? Did people get it
right when Noah was building his ark??
Did the king and his soldiers get it right while hiding from Goliath as
he boasted and dared to challenge him?
Did Pharoh get it right when Moses tried to explain it to him? Did the Jews themselves get it right when
Moses tried to explain it to THEM???? Lets just let em wander around the desert for
40 MORE years and see if THAT works…………
Did the apostles get it right when Jesus told them he had to be taken
away and killed? Did Saul get it right
when his greatest passion was to persecute and kill believers!?!?!? Pontius
Pilate was one of the few who got it right. “ This man did nothing
wrong, I wash my hands of the whole affair. “
The Jewish scholars, who studied
the Torah like we study Dancing with the Stars nowadays, KNEW what God’s word
said, yet they couldn’t be more wrong,
even and especially when God was standing right in front of them.
Getting it wrong is what we
Conservative Christians now
champion the cause of the nation of Israel, even though mocking Jesus publicly
is as popular there as fighting in soccer stadiums is to the English. We have it wrong. About pretty much everything, and we don’t
have a lot of time to get it straightened out.
And now Americans champion America, because we believe, we KNOW, that
America is GOOD.
And we have it all wrong.
We have been deceived,
deliberately and magnificently.
Biblical history is littered with cases of the majority of people
getting it wrong, and those who point that out, usually got killed for
mentioning as much.
Heres your homework assignment
for the rest of your life. Go find out
how many of the disciples lived to be grand old men bouncing their
grandchildren on their knees while sitting on rocking chairs outside their
Villas. Then go find out how many were
crucified, beheaded, stoned to death (the bad kind), and burned alive, for
being followers of “The Way”. What we
think is good, is usually opposite what God has shown us it is, time and time
again, throughout history.
This time is no exception.
Sunday, 26 February 2012
At least I'm not THAT guy..........
When I was a kid, I used to consider myself very lucky indeed that I was born in Pa., in the United States of America, and not ANYWHERE else on earth. Seeing the pictures of the kids in Africa with the flies all over their faces, the kids in war ravaged places on earth, or just French boys who had to wear knickers and berets, filled me with pity for them. Poor buggers they were.
Yeah, we sure are lucky to live here. Land of the free and all.
The other day I was wasting more of my life by reading news and stuff online, and I came across a story of a Christian pastor who was arrested In Iran, "tried", and sentenced to death for apostasy.
He was offered the option to convert back to Islam, in order to gain his freedom and his life, but he refused (what profit is it for a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?", comes to my mind...)
Anywho, the christian community in this country is all kinds of upset, and rightfully so, because its just not right for someone to be put to death because of what faith he professes. Yes, I GET the irony of Christians saying that......but its lost on the new church.
So the other day I heard a very reasonable sounding woman preacher-type on the radio say "that its telling of the whole Iranian regime to have this kind of persecution going on in that country in this day and age". She also said that we americans don't have to deal with ANYTHING like what Christians in Iran and other places Like China and N. Korea do. WE have freedom to live and express our faith.
America and all. We don't do ANYTHING like rounding up citizens and locking them up and charging them (or not charging them) with ridiculous trumped up sillyness and not even allow them legal representation or due process ar ANYTHING like that.
Naaaah. Not in America.
Maybe we did that to some of those muslim extremest enemy combatants we encountered in backwards corners of the earth that our military went to in order to protect US here safe at home. But THOSE people DESERVED to get rounded up and not charged. And sent to Guantanamo. Indefinitely. Why heck, THEY get 3 squares a day and prayer rugs there and they even have air conditioning. What MORE could they want!?!?!
We don't do that to OUR citizens anyways. Even if they DO deserve it..
Here's a great little video of a guy thats no longer on television. Probably for doing stories like this one. Judge Andrew Napolitano.
He talks about a little bitsy law recently passed and signed by Obama(and the republicans TOO, for all you yankee doodle dandies out there). A law that gives our government the right to do exactly what we now do to "enemy combatants" when we encounter and capture them on battlefields overseas, except it gives the government of the United States the "right" to do the same thing, to American citizens, here in America the land of the free.
All they need is a good REASON to do so.
You know, like..............well, watch the video because you wouldn't believe me if I said it anyways. At least maybe Judge Napolitano has some weight. In his words I mean.
Getting back to the Pastor sentenced to death in Iran.......
Christians especially, from what I've heard of them speaking on radio news and shows recently, have pointed out "that there are STILL places on earth where people, mainly christians, are persecuted for their Faith".
Horrible to think about, suffering and choices like that.
OUR government is tolerant and is even largely consisting of faith proclaiming members. We don't have ANYTHING like that to face.
Right? Right.
Do you know how Christianity became to be, in Ancient Rome? Well, it "came to be", because the gospel and the faith, just spread like the wildfire it is, way back then. Word of mouth, so to speak. The Roman gov't wasn't too accomodating to the faith, or the faithful. Seems that this new belief called "the Movement" went against everything that was established as a belief system in Rome at the time. So, Rome rounded up anyone claiming to be a Christian, and made a ticket selling spectacle out of their "punishment".
Christians were killed, tortured, slaughtered, fed to animals, murdered with and in front of their families........... all kinds of neat entertaining stuff. To the cheers of large crowds, I might add.
Then something happened. Rome noticed that the more Christians they killed, the more believers they had to torture and kill. That may sound like a win/win to an average bottom line thinking individual, but it didn't work out that way. The reason for killing and torturing was to discourage people from believing in this NEW God, and to keep them in the OLD system of gods and stuff.
What the powers that be were doing, was having the oppposite effect, and even the gods were mad about all this.
So Rome (constantine) did what any reasonable thinking person in charge would have done. He co-opted the faith. He took christianity, Jesus, and merged it with everything that was the faith of ancient Rome at the time. All the ancient gods of Babylon that Rome placed above themselves, became the NEW "christian" religion. Only the names have been changed to confuse the innocent. It was all downhill from there.
And, it worked.
A quiet, unrebellious, pacified, safe-feeling populous, is a managable populous, I always say.
Give em what they want, is a good motto when trying to appease the masses.
Just make sure its YOU who's deciding what THEY want.
At least they didn't have to worry about being fed to hyenas in the arena anymore...........
At least they weren't THAT guy..............
Americans all across the country are going to go to church this morning and thanking GOD that they live in the land of the free and they are all going to pray for the brave servicemen overseas who are protecting our way of life here in the land of the free........
And they will do so with NO fear of persecution whatsoever from our government here.
Just like the way they did in Rome.
Read this. Its called Mark's Twain's prayer for war.
It was DIFFERENT for Twain though. Hard to call one of the sides the good guys, cuz then you had to call the OTHER side.......well, the bad guys. Its SOOO much easier when the BAD guys do things like hang people for being CHRISTIAN and all. Good guys and bad guys make a much neater and easier to support, war.
Just like in ancient Rome, we in America have a religion that we live our lives with and for, and we do it with the blessing and under the guidelines of the U.S. government. That religion isn't christianity nor does it have anything to do with God or gods, per se.
And JUST like in ancient Rome, we believe and follow the procedures and traditions of the religion, because we are told it is true, correct, and good to do so.
And, being officially sanctioned and "accepted" as the religion of the state, its not only smart to believe this way, it'll keep you from becoming "that guy" in the court of public and gov't opinion.
Constantine went "VOILA!" (or whatever fancy shmancy word they used in ancient rome) and invented a whole new religion, with complicated and intertwined procedures and hoop jumpin to be carried out by the believers therein.
The new believers in that church, did and believed what they were told. Some Im sure, to keep from ending up as kittyfood for the lions in the colleseum. Some did, just because thats what people do. They believe what they're told, for the most part, by people in positions of authority.
I talked about this in another previous ranting involving the Jews in the Warsaw ghettos in WW2. Even after being herded into the ghetto with ALL remnants of their previous freedoms and life stripped away, they STILL couldn't believe that the German gov't would KILL them, just because. People just dont want to believe whats not nice to believe.
Our religion, in the United States Of America, is the united states of america.
We believe and do, exactly as we are told to believe and do, because we just do. It doesn't matter how preposterous or insane what we are told, we believe because we are told to.
Contrary facts or opinions interjected into our belief system by others from within or without, are met with cries of "HERESY!"
It used to be that bucking the church of america would get you labeled a kook, a paranoid delusional wacko, and while that wasn't exactly fun, its not as bad as what COULD face, now.
The drums of war are beating and hardly a talking head on tv or radio isn't beating them with great fervor. Iran is being made to look as bad if not worse than the monsters in Egypt, Lebanon, and now syria.
We are being told at every turn that Iran is a rouge radical government who is a great threat to america the free, and worse than that, they are primarily responsible for the rising price of gasoline!!!! Syria is just another despot (U.S. placed sancioned and approved) run country whos time has come for a good ole red white and blue drone inspired, cleansing. You know. Like the way we purged Libya. and Egypt.
Iran, we are told, is the worsest of the worst. And the threatingly threatingliest. Or even worse.
Yuh-huh. Just turn on the tv.
And kneel down in front of your tv and say three hail troopers and 4 our soldiers who art in heaven.........
You will see the light.
Let the games begin.......
Amen and amen.
Friday, 24 February 2012
Flying Under The Radar
Flying around undetected. That way no one, at least no one you WANT to know, knows you're there. In this age of recorded and documented EVERYTHING, thats kinda hard to acomplish, but it can be done to an extent. It just takes a lot of hiding and camoflauging and deflecting and such. The group of individuals commonly called paranoids (AHEM) quickly come to mind. They, we, usually try their best to cover tracks and hide our where and whatabouts.
My 14 year old son asked me last night, why do companies make FREE games for us to play online? It doesn't make any sense does it? I mean, are there groups of people and/or companies who just revel in the thought of their creations being enjoyed by so many people in the world?
Yeah thats it. And I get called crazy. I do y'know. Mostly by people who play farmville or mafia wars or whatever facebook related mind numbing game is popular these days.
So why do people make free games for us to play? Haven't THEY heard that there is nothing free in life? I think they have. They just get what they get without you knowing. They fly under the radar, undetected. Because you don't see, understand, or consider a dollar REALLY the price for the free game, doesnt mean there isn't one.
I watched a video of a CIA official singing the praises of facebook at a congressional hearing.
You know, that free social media site that you can't get ahead in corporate america if you are not fully immersed in. It seems, as per the CIA official's testimony, that facebook does for the agency what would otherwise take much more time and much more effort and money to accomplish. And, its done voluntarily, at no cost, and to levels and extents that the agency couldn't even IMAGINE before its inception. Ok, you say, the "good guys", the CIA, can compile information on people that it needs to. You know, the "bad" guys amongst us. (this is where my head starts to hurt)
Most people believe themselves to be the good guys, and they view their government and its agencies, like the CIA, similarly. I'm not going to go into some spiel here about "unless and until the people in charge of the government, at some point in time, BECOME not good....." You either get it, or you don't, and it, like most important things, it cant be taught to you or argued to you.
The fact is, secrectly, at least unbeknownst to the vast majority of facebook users, the CIA has compiled and recorded EVERYTHING you have EVER put on your facebook site. They have done this, under the radar, so to speak.
I know, you're not doing anything wrong, so you're not concerned. I get it, you're a trusting sort.
The point is, this is being done without your "knowledge", whether or not you are concerned about it.
I had the password to this site changed, recently. I didn't do it, someone ELSE did.
The CIA? Hardly. Someone will ill will towards me, most likely. Not the first time my email and personal sites were hacked into and my passwords were changed. Comes with the territory, or so I've read.
We, you, are not as secure or under the radar as we like to think we are. Did you know that there are programs readily available for your phone that enables others to assertain your location INSTANTLY, even when your gps function is turned OFF, just by placing a call to your phone? You know, place the call as "anonymous caller" so as not to tip your hand.........
AND, that you can actually use anyone's cellphone as a microphone to listen into whatever is going on around that phone, even if that phone is turned OFF!?!? Sounds outrageous and james bond-ish, doesn't it? Well, it isn't, and it ain't.
Its what crazy people do when they are obsessed with someone else. They HAVE to know, well, EVERYTHING, cuz they're crazy. And they keep THAT fact pretty much on the ground and parked in the hanger, let alone flying low under any possible radar.
All the while shouting "lookit all the CRAAAAAAZY stuff out there.
Makes a bad names for crazy people like me pointing out all the craziness in the world today. I do it to try and help and inform youse guys.
Call me crazy.
I've recently turned off a number of my radar cloaking devices in my life. No, not on my phone. In my life.
I have made a decision to live what I believe.
Yeah yeah yeah. You don't have to point out my failings and imperfections. I know them. So does God. I'm sure He's glad that I'm acknowledging them and asking His help in freeing me of.............. myself.
Hopefully there will be a difference thats observable. The problem with removing cloaking devices, is that it makes you vulnerable.
I ain't a-scared.
My 14 year old son asked me last night, why do companies make FREE games for us to play online? It doesn't make any sense does it? I mean, are there groups of people and/or companies who just revel in the thought of their creations being enjoyed by so many people in the world?
Yeah thats it. And I get called crazy. I do y'know. Mostly by people who play farmville or mafia wars or whatever facebook related mind numbing game is popular these days.
So why do people make free games for us to play? Haven't THEY heard that there is nothing free in life? I think they have. They just get what they get without you knowing. They fly under the radar, undetected. Because you don't see, understand, or consider a dollar REALLY the price for the free game, doesnt mean there isn't one.
I watched a video of a CIA official singing the praises of facebook at a congressional hearing.
You know, that free social media site that you can't get ahead in corporate america if you are not fully immersed in. It seems, as per the CIA official's testimony, that facebook does for the agency what would otherwise take much more time and much more effort and money to accomplish. And, its done voluntarily, at no cost, and to levels and extents that the agency couldn't even IMAGINE before its inception. Ok, you say, the "good guys", the CIA, can compile information on people that it needs to. You know, the "bad" guys amongst us. (this is where my head starts to hurt)
Most people believe themselves to be the good guys, and they view their government and its agencies, like the CIA, similarly. I'm not going to go into some spiel here about "unless and until the people in charge of the government, at some point in time, BECOME not good....." You either get it, or you don't, and it, like most important things, it cant be taught to you or argued to you.
The fact is, secrectly, at least unbeknownst to the vast majority of facebook users, the CIA has compiled and recorded EVERYTHING you have EVER put on your facebook site. They have done this, under the radar, so to speak.
I know, you're not doing anything wrong, so you're not concerned. I get it, you're a trusting sort.
The point is, this is being done without your "knowledge", whether or not you are concerned about it.
I had the password to this site changed, recently. I didn't do it, someone ELSE did.
The CIA? Hardly. Someone will ill will towards me, most likely. Not the first time my email and personal sites were hacked into and my passwords were changed. Comes with the territory, or so I've read.
We, you, are not as secure or under the radar as we like to think we are. Did you know that there are programs readily available for your phone that enables others to assertain your location INSTANTLY, even when your gps function is turned OFF, just by placing a call to your phone? You know, place the call as "anonymous caller" so as not to tip your hand.........
AND, that you can actually use anyone's cellphone as a microphone to listen into whatever is going on around that phone, even if that phone is turned OFF!?!? Sounds outrageous and james bond-ish, doesn't it? Well, it isn't, and it ain't.
Its what crazy people do when they are obsessed with someone else. They HAVE to know, well, EVERYTHING, cuz they're crazy. And they keep THAT fact pretty much on the ground and parked in the hanger, let alone flying low under any possible radar.
All the while shouting "lookit all the CRAAAAAAZY stuff out there.
Makes a bad names for crazy people like me pointing out all the craziness in the world today. I do it to try and help and inform youse guys.
Call me crazy.
I've recently turned off a number of my radar cloaking devices in my life. No, not on my phone. In my life.
I have made a decision to live what I believe.
Yeah yeah yeah. You don't have to point out my failings and imperfections. I know them. So does God. I'm sure He's glad that I'm acknowledging them and asking His help in freeing me of.............. myself.
Hopefully there will be a difference thats observable. The problem with removing cloaking devices, is that it makes you vulnerable.
I ain't a-scared.
Thursday, 16 February 2012
The Big Lie
Anybody remember the story of private Jessica Lynch? How about Pat Tillman? Two American apple pie eating heroes who (we were told) were both victims of the eeeeeevil terrorist insurgent wannabe plane hijacker I.E.D. placing daring to resist their countries being occupied, enemies.
Turns out that both stories were not only lies, but one became an instant made for tv movie, complete with a script and plot PRE written by none other than Jerry Bruckheimer.
The Pat tillman story is just AWFUL. His death was exploited to the Nth degree by the very people responsible for his death. The Unites States Army.
Years after his death, after his family had been attempting to get the news out of what REALLY happened, we finally understand just what and who killed Pat Tilman. He was the NFL superstar turned army ranger (9-11 moved him to leave his lucrative NFL career and join the army), and he was killed in action while on patrol in some ooga-booga part of afghan-kurdis-uzbeka-whoozit-paki-stan. Doesn't matter.
The official story was "while on patrol the convoy was ambushed and Pat and some other soldiers attempted to flank the enemy forces who were perched high above the road. While attempting to assault the enemy, Pat was killed". Then the story changed to "after sucessfully assaulting the enemy position and killing the enemy, Pat was then accidentally killed by friendly fire from his comrades below.". THAT changed to, "After successfully killing the enemy ambushers, Pat was then signalling to his comrades down below that the had, in fact, won this battle, but then the comrades down below, despite Pat's repeated signalling, continued to fire upon Pat, until Pat was hit and killed. "
THAT morphed into the official army coroners report, which stated that Pat Tillman was killed by two point blank shots to the face, by a small arms weapon. A "double-tap" execution.
Huh. Doesn't add up, does it?
Its probably the only thing that DOES add up, regarding the war in Afghanistan, when you add into the mix that Pat was corresponding with his family back home, and that his sentiments regarding the war effort were "its a joke".
Pats family's claim was that Pat believed the U.S. Army was doing little more in Afghanistan than policing the opium fields there for the opium growers.
Now, it adds up. In a evil demented kinda way. The Army and the NFL made a killing promoting Pats's heroism and sacrifice on a weekly basis. Who knows HOW many other american well intentioned yoots signed their lives away to the serve and protect their country from goat farmers in the Hindu Kush mountains of the world? Dozens, at least.
Fast forward to the Bogus-holy-cow-what-a-pile-of-stinky-crap-story about the navy seals killing osama (been on dialysis for the past 10 years- out smarting and out running the u.s. navy seals at every turn for the past ten years, while dragging a kidney dialysis machine over the Hindu-Kush mountains of Pakistan/Afghanistan/and every other whoozitstan in the region, 72 year old) bin laden.
But THAT story is for real. Yuh-huh.
well, at first they said Hillary and Barrack and co. were watching it in real time on super secret hi tech navy seal-o-vision cameras that the super duper commandos had attached to their gear during the raid.
THEN the story changed to......wellllll, there was no live video, BUT, the seals had a nasty firefight with bin laden's guards who were super duper tough and hard nosed too, but WE still got him!!!!"
and that changed to well his wife had a gun and we shot her cuz she scared us.....
and THAT story changed to the official U.S government approved
soon to be made into a movie version.......................
We just landed two helicopters in Pakistan without telling the pakistani government and one of our helicopters crashed but the seals stormed into osama's house and encountered him and his wife and we shot his wife cuz she was all kinds of uncooperative. Oh yeah. And we shot him too. cuz he was osama bin laden, y'know.
But on the helicopter flight back to the aircraft carrier, when not high fiving each other, we did a super secret hi tech DNA test and VERIFIED that it WAS in fact, THE Osama Bin Laden that we had killed.
Then when we got back to the aircraft carrier, after much high fiving and drink hoisting and fist pumping, we dumped THE Osama Bin Laden's DNA in flight test verified body, into the pacific ocean, because Muslim customs demand we do with it.
Yeah thats it.
And somehow, after telling these stories, I'M the one who people call crazy.
I passed some goober goofball on the road the other day, and on the back of his American made pick em up truck, he had glued mailbox letters which gave this message.....
"AMERICA! IF YOU DONT LIKE THIS COUNTRY, GET THE F- - - OUT!!!!" And another one, "The American military, if you dont stand behind them, then stand in FRONT of them!!!"
And that guy thinks he's on the right side too. I betcha he bought a case of Bud when he heard the Bin Laden story, just so he could celebrate our nation's great victory, in style.
The inanity of the Bin Laden story is so obvious when you think about it, but to question ANY of it is CRAAAAAAAZY talk to reasonable people like reporters. And Floyd R. Turbo in the pick up truck . People like ME question the story and the stupidity of it all and get labeled as nuts. A conspiracy wack-o. People like Floyd R. Turbo with his mailbox letter covered tailgate got it right. He's reasonable.
But those lies arrent the BIG Lie. Not even global warming is the BIG lie.
The BIG lie hasn't occured. Yet. But it soon will.
And you know what? People will swallow it up. Because, just like with all the other lies, this lie will be promoted by our benevolent-got-its-share-of-problems-but-its-the-best-there-is-on-earth-by-god-government. And, by the media. And by good people like oprah and bill gates. And the Pope. And Good Morning America. You know. All those people and sources that can be trusted.
Want to know what it is?
Nah. You're not ready for it yet.
You can't even believe that Osamas Bin Laden WASN'T killed by super duper Navy Seal commandos. How are you going to handle the BIG lie???
You'll know it when you see it.
Cuz EVERYBODY will believe it.
Monday, 13 February 2012
A New Day
In life, the only constant, is change.
Well, my life sure is constant these days. You would think, if you knew where I am now as opposed to where I was physically, a year ago, that would be bad. But its not.
I almost didn't make it to where I am now. In any sense of the term. Its been a rough and bumpy road, to say the least, and only a very select few know just how rough and bumpy. To those select few, and to Almighty God, I owe my life.
Most of you think you know, but as with everything, what we know no matter how well we know it, is still all we know. And therein lies the rub.
That, actually, has been the reoccuring theme in my messages here. What you think you know, isn't all or what there is to know.
A lot has changed since I started putting down my thoughts here a few years ago. Both within and without.
What I had faith in back then is very different from what I have faith in today. What I saw as truth back then is very different from what I see as true today. (gee theres a statement just begging to be jumped on by hate filled trolls lurking about.....)
Right at this moment I am with total futility trying to convince my friend that not even Ron Paul can right this ship we called America. But he still holds onto the hope that america as we were taught to believe is good and noble and right and the light of the world, can be once again what we were mislead to believe it was in the first place.
Yeah, you'd better read that last sentence again to make sure you got it right. Of all the transformations and revelations I've undergone in the past 2 years, none was more difficult to comprehend than the one about our country. Marriages fail all the time. Wives betray and undermine and attempt to destroy and reduce to ruin, their husbands, all the time. That one was hard, but nothing like the one about my country being nothing I thought it was. That one, changed EVERYTHING.
Nowadays, when I try to watch things like political debates on tv, (and I emphasise the word "try" because it is so difficult a thing to do) , I can't believe that A: I used to BUY all the crap they dish out, and B:, EVERYONE believes the crap they dish out. Then after the debates, we have the commentators and experts piling MORE crap on top of the piles of crap we've just been force fed in the debate itself.
In a nutshell, heres a dose of reality to wash down all the crap you've been fed all your life.
There is no political race, debate, difference, or "core value" distinction between republicans democrats, or the "also-rans". Oh here we go. You arre shouting, "HOW CAN YOU SAY SOMETHING SO OBVIOUSLY STUPID AND UNTRUE!?!?!? (um, you say that a lot here, dontcha?)
The only difference in the body politic, is an illusion whos purpose it is to divide the members of the opposing camps. That means, that the seeming differences between parties, is IMAGINED.
The great champion and "savior" of conservatism in america, Ronald Reagan, was no different that Jimmy carter or Barrack Hussein Obama.
I know. You dont believe me. Gee Im crushed.
Explain to me how the great "conservative", the man who was all about American sovereignty and independence and strength, picked as HIS running mate and successor, the man who would be the first american president to usher in, welcome, champion, and PROMOTE, The New World Order, in which american sovereignty and independence, would be placed on the back burner of priorities?? Thats significant because it is not something that George Bush would have left out while being interviewed for the job of V.P., you know? Bush, because of his association with Reagan, had the backing of a duped regenerated conservative base, which was and is a significant portion of our duped whole polulation. If you can get half the duped muggles behind you instantly because you hoist the right banner, how hard would it be to convince the remainder of the duped population that what you stood for was right good and wholesome and in the best interest of america the Beautiful!??
We have had liberals and conservatives democrats and republicans smattered almost at perfect intervals in the past 50 years, and the direction of our nation hasn't changed no matter who was supposedly in charge of the oval office.
If you look at the CULTURAL direction of our nation, it has gone in NO direction except down, for the past 50 years. Didnt matter which political party was at the helm, the direction was the same. We have had ronald reagan, the first george bush, and the second bush, and I BEG you to give me one instance, other than lip service (notice I didnt include bill clinton in this request), when we as a nation have done ANYTHING to "return to conservative core values of our nation"?, as EVERY republican presidential candidate promises and preaches endlessesly to accomplish!?!?!? It hasn't happened, and it won't happen this time, either.
For you see (I doubt it) that the men we elect, are not the ones running this country. They are just the ones we elect, in order to keep the charade going on. They are just the puppets being played with for we, the muggles of society, to put our hopes and energies into.
So lets say you have paid a teensy bit of attention to this point. Lets say you even read the sentence that said "the men we elect as president are not the ones who run this country".
Then WHO is?, is the next logical question in the very unlogical hypothesis.
Remember Reagan's running mate and successor? He said it. He told us who. The New World Order.
Anybody who believes the NWO to be just a wacked out conspiracy theory is at this point, an ignorant muggle who is happy being so. They, the people in and behind the NWO, no longer hide nor are bashful of their plans, design and schemes to achieve their goal of a one world government. If by now you dont know about, understand, or believe the significance and reason behind the buildeburgs, the trilateral commission and the council on foreign relations, to name a few, well then go head and keep taking your blue pills. (or is it the red ones?)
There are a LOT of people in this country and the world who THINK they understand all this, but they only understand it insomuch as they understand THEM. A lot of people believe its just a matter of men running the banking empires being greedy for more and more money, so THEY are behind it all and if only we could expose and prosecute the BANKERS for their crimes all would be right. And there are the constitutionalists who believe that if only we could return to our core constitutional values and principles, THEN we could get our nation back again and everything would be honkey-dorey. The Ron Paul supporters are in that latter group. A lot of ron paul supporters int he former group too. Corporations are being blamed for America's ills, but its neither the corporations nor their lobbyists who are at the root of our problems.
Ron paul cant fix a system that not broken, its not even real anymore. You can't fix whats not there.
I have one link for you, and you know what? Those of you with eyes to see, will watch, and those of you who dont want to, will comment ceaselessly on the inanity of my posts and my links and the internet in general. Fine.
Funny thing about words. They usually come back on you and bite you twice as hard as what you inteneded their bite to be, on others.
I know that, and am more careful these days with mine.
The series is called, "Know your enemy".
Have a nice, new day.
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