Thursday, 10 April 2014
who do you trust, the dog or the tail wagging the dog?
Life in a rabbit hole isn't nearly as much fun as one might think it is. For starters, you don't know if what you see is real, and if it is, you don't really know what to make of what you are seeing.
Kinda like watching television.
"the U.S State dept. accuses Russia (and vladamir putin) of staging the insurrection in The Ukraine, for the purposes of becoming involved militarily there....."
Um, and where do you think Mr Putin might have learned THAT trick? I suggest by watching CNN, and american policy of the past few decades. No? You might want to read up on Syria, Libya, Iraq, et al.
Atty Gen. Eric Holder, after being "grilled" by congressman yesterday, spoke before a sympathetic crowd and asked (repeatedly) "When was the last time a U.S. atty gen. was treated like that!?!?!"
Um, when was the last time a U.S. atty gen. ACTED like that, mr Holder!?!?!? was my response. Thats like that blade runner chap, on trial for shooting his supermodel girlfriend through a bathroom door, asking the jury, "yeah, but what about my bleeding bathroom door!?!? Who is going to see to it that IT gets repaired properly!?!?"
Oh yes it is. Holder completely discounted everything he has been accused and charged with, (like contempt, f'rinstance) and instead whined about being picked on.
Houdini airlines flight 3-7-0.
I couldn't even have made up this story. Like I've previously said, this one made my rabbit hole sensors go off from the git go. Maybe its me. Maybe I can see bullshit more clearly now, or maybe bullshit isnt as camoflauged as it used to be. Nothing about what we have been told, has been true. We have been TOLD its true, and experts have even painstakingly said so, but it aint so.
Like f'rinstance, did YOU know that all boeing 777's have fly by wire capability? Fly by wire, is the ability to fly the plane, remotely. Like from Langley Va. But experts (ON AIRCRAFT RELATED TECH SITES) have stated that it would take someone with "extensive knowledge of aircraft computer systems" to be able to hack into an aircraft and take over controls of said aircraft.
Oh, THAT makes me feel better. Good thing there aren't any of THEM out there, huh? Places like the pentagon and the CIA and even the frickin white house can and HAVE been hacked, but boeing's airplanes??? Nah. Impossible. they're MUCH more difficult to hack into than say.......the NSA.
Flag waving veteran-centered websites expertly point out the obvious, that it was a plane from a muslim country piloted by muslims. Nuff said.
Pointy headtechno geeks said we need MORE technology to protect us more better. Yeah thats it.
Fly by wire, sheep. fly by wire. Look into that, the most highly ignored secret of the past 15 minutes.
And...........we have a current love affair with Lyndon B. Johnson. The president who "reluctently" assumed power after JFK was shot by those miracle bullets.
Current focus is centered on LBJ's pushing forward of the civil rights agenda that JFK championed. You would think that LBJ was the greatest thing to happen to black americans since Popeye's chicken.
It makes a nice story, and evidently a pretty good broadway play too, but the devil is indeed in the details on this one. JFK was "presented" a plan, in which American military forces would get incrementally involved in S.E. Asia, and JFK wasn't too receptive of said plan.
In fact, if he were Vladimir Putin, he would have said HELL NYET! Well it seems that the CIA and the people who run THEM, didnt like JFK's answer to their plan, and JFK was shot 6 months later by some guy. Wasn't a muslim though.
LBJ, on the otherhand, was balls to the walls enthusiastic about crushing the dire threat in S.E Asia, posed by the (muslim of that day) communist movement.
So here's my take on mr-civil-rights-president-post-mortem-tony-award winner-LBJ.
Civil rights?
58,000 american servicemen were killed in Vietnam. roughly 8,000 were african-americans. viva la freedom.
Oh yeah. And we lost. And now our clothes are made in vietnam. But that has nothing to do with the war there. It never does, does it.
I've written this before, and I'm gonna write it again because the three of you(se) need to understand it. Its pretty much everything.
In his farewell address, Dwight Eisenhower stated that the "greatest threat America faces in the 20th century, was the AMERICAN military industrial complex".
You know, the people who brought you viet nam a few short years after Ike wrote that. After JFK said america would NOT get into an extensive prolonged military action in vietnam. And he was shot shortly thereafter. By some guy. Obviously crazy, but not a muslim.
Anybody watch the Stock Market channel? I dont know what the hell its called, CBNBSMSBC or somethin, but its one of the funniest networks on tv today. Watch the experts opine on what is what, and keep an eye on the DOW numbers as they are happening. First of all you should notice that while sounding all expert-y and informative, if you REALLY listen, you will hear nothing but a white noise that could easily be coming from your clothes dryer exhaust vent.
My point? Opinions, moods and messages change there almost as fast as the direction of the DOW nowadays. And much like atty gen. eric holder, being ghastly wrong 3 minutes previous is of no matter. They're still experts dammit, and that other thing....well......naaah thats them damn balsams.
At the end of the Not-A-War in Vietnam, some infamous videos were shot (along with a million or so vietnamese) that sum up life in these united states.
Helicopters, tanks, trucks, equiptment of all kinds (expensive as hell and bought and paid for, to boot) were jetisoned off of ships and into the briny deep as american troops pulled out of Vietnam. Millions and millions (and millions) of dollars worth of equipment scuttled because, well, we didn't need it anymore.
No, Northrup Grummen didnt send the american people a rebate check for any of it. Hell, America was glad to be out of that damn place, and the cost of a few (thousand) expensive vehicles being sent to their grave ala Osama Bin Laden, was of little importance then, or now. Splash, glug glug glug. Thanks for the gumball america. See you next war.
The only difference between Vietnam and Afghanistan, is the cheerleading on the sidelines nowadays. Everybody in a military uniform is a hero, praised and applauded at every sporting event and national newscast. Why, they're there to protect US, thats why! OUR way of life.
Uh huh.
And to think I used to buy that line of bullshit.
Google pallets of money, and afghanistan, and tell me Im wrong.
Its patriotic to bitch about govt waste and whats wrong with the system, but by god dont you dare say its the system itself!
Problem is, the system is camoflauged under a mountain of bullshit, all covered by multiple layers of american flags.
NOTHING, is as it appears.
But you can trust me, because I dont want anything. Not a goddam thing.
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