Saturday, 6 August 2011

Paris Hilton makes the world go round....

Evidently, evidence isn't enough to convince some people. Especially people who view themselves as "smart", or learn-ed. Or intelligent.

I was going to continue a little discussion in the comment section of another post, but for some reason that a technological dope like me can't figure out, "it" wouldn't allow me to do so.

So. We shall continue the free lesson on why a dope like me is infinitely "smarter" than.........


Collectively speaking, of course. Far be it for me to assume any actual superior brain activity to any specific individual reading this nonsense.

For the other reader here, bear with me.

DDT was and is again used to fight malaria, via killing mosquitos, which SPREAD malaria.

Maybe smart people thought I meant ddt was sprayed on patients to cure malaria. I dunno. Who the hell knows what smart people think.

and my favorite article Titled DDT is returning to fight malaria.....

DDT was the primary chemical used to kill mosquitos that spread malaria, smart person said it was never used against it. Found a link to verify her stance, too. Shows you how much you can trust links. Better to be smart than quick with google. Google is smart. You're not. Thats why you need me. Oh I'm not smart either, but years ago I noticed "funny clouds in the sky and said "something doesn't add up......" and you STILL say, "oh its nothing thats just crazy talk!"

I notice and can process things. You obviously, cannot. At least not things that aren't beyond debate, like 2+2 equaling 4. Sunday comes after saturday, those sort of things.

Back to the clouds. Its called geoenginnering, which is a fancy (smart) way to say weather control, or sunlight control. There's thousand smart sites and a hundred scientific organizations involved with geoengineering, but you say Im crazy for noticing or talking about it. Dont bother looking it up, and I wont bother putting links here that you won't go to. Find your own. (hint, DON'T go to the united nations site that discusses the concept/program.)

I believe I heard the single stupidest comment that I've EVER heard in my life, just the other day. I was in the frying pan department of a store looking at stuff because some crazy loon keeps removing my stuff.....anywho.....

My child asked me about a teflon pan, and I said "that stuff is poison", meaning the teflon. The bright yet to be indoctrinated little girl next to me asked her mom, "mom, is teflon POISON?" And the good little sheep of a mom said to her soon to be sheep of a daughter, "no honey, if it WERE poison, they wouldn't be selling it." A rush of calm could be seen sweeping over the traumatized little girl, and the sheep of a mom had a story to tell her coworkers the next day at Reasonable Thinking Inc, where Im certain she worked.

Doesn't get any more reasonable than that.

"And they wouldn't put fluoride in toothpaste if it weren't poison either...." I said.

My kid smiled.

It must be nice to have such faith. Not the faith of a child, but the faith of a sheep. To assume that the larger than description entity called "they", or government, or whomever, really give a rats ass about us other than to extract what they NEED out of us.

Like tax revenues, or labor, or whatever. To believe that "they" sit around wringing their hands wondering how to make our lives safer, more peaceful. Safer. Because they care.

THATS faith. Its certainly not intelligence . Nor is intelligence swallowing what you are fed at some second rate college by some second rate pseudo intellectual expert. That, is accurately described as indoctrination. On a fools level, to boot.

Am I smart? Nope.

Never ever ever said I was. But I notice things and try and decipher them. Which is obviously more than you can say. See that picture on the front of this stupid blog? YOU didnt even notice that. YOU think thats "normal". Whatever you and I are, you're a level below me, so there.

So here's what you need to know.

The same corporations that caused the rivers in cleveland ohio to catch on fire, still are in charge of this nation and world. The same banking organizations that ruled the corporations when someone in europe decided to start a war just to kill people and make money, still are in charge.

Oh look up the history and events and results of world war One.

The financial instiutions and a handful of ruling families in Europe made a bloody fortune, and when public opinion got to a tipping point, WE got involved to prolong it until that didnt even cover up what was going on.

A war with no movement, no objectives, no victories, but defeat enough for everyone.

Oh you dont know the first damn thing about WWI do ya?

Don't worry, nobody does. Point is, like most modern wars, it had nothing to do with nationalism, and everything to do with globalism, and who runs the globe. But I'm sure sentences like that make your pretty little head hurt with anger and indignance, so.............we'll continue.

The League of Nations was a result of WWI. The United Nations was the result of WWII. The New World Order is a result of the political and personal expansion of the United Nations.

More crazy talk? I don't suppose you ever heard of Agenda 21, did you?

I didnt think so. It hasn't been discussed on Good Morning America and it doesn't have a facebook page, so it might as well be saltwater on mars as far as you're concerned. Agenda 21 is the Global plan to micromanage your life, here in these united states. You wont look it up, and Im not going to waste the effort trying to show you.

Oh hell yes I am. How great is that? a link titled "agenda 21 for dummies?"

Watch. Or not. Or go to the keith oberman / kevin lynn site claiming its all good and it'll make the world a better place to exist..............

Are you beginning to see where I'm going yet?

All over? Yep. You HAVE to go all over. You can't understand ANYTHING, if you don't understand everything.

I am called crazy by some bitter female who makes it her mission to discredit what I say here. Thats ok, she's failed miserably to this point.

I get called crazy, but normal people believe that everything is fine and normal and there is no agenda anything and no chemcals in the sky and that american police are SUPPOSED to look like fully armed storm troopers and genetically modified foods are as good as we are told they are and the medical industry would never lie because pharmacuticals are good for us and fluoride ISN'T a poison and even though the radiation leak from Chernobyl caused THIS lady to tell the japanese peole to"RUN", and even though Japans disaster is at LEAST hundreds of times worse..........Everything is fine. Because someone somewhere, said its fine.

Yeah, well, someone somewhere said what Paris Hilton says and does is worth paying attention to, too. And someone somewhere invented a "fine" passtime called farmville and mafia wars and said thats a fine way to spend your time, too. And Im sure someone somewhere believes its fine to keep a 5 year old out till midnight at a stupid ass county fair, too. Oh its "FUN!!!!"

Yeah. Fun.

Im not living in fear or paranoia or any negative state of mind, save for the effect of having to live with hatred and subterfuge by the person who is SUPPOSED to be the one I count on for support. No boo-hoo-ing here, just the facts. On THAT front, Im stressed as hell. But you won't win that battle either, because you are on the wrong side there, too.

Teaching my kids to think and be aware is no more detrimental to them, than it is to teach them to look both ways before crossing the road. Twice, I tell them.

Heres a story that floored me when I saw it. I was watching a foreign made film called "Broken Silence" (I think that was the name).It was directed by some obscure film maker called............lemme see if I can remember it...............oh yeah. Steven Spielberg.
Anywho, in it was a story about the Warsaw Ghettos, and survivors there told about the "crazy rumors" that were flowing about the death camps. About the trains that were taking ghetto residents to those death camps.

NAAAAAH. It CAN'T be true, was the general consenus.

Thats CRAZY talk.

What floored me, was that in that setting, after everything the ghetto prisoners had been through up to that point, they still couldn't allow themselves to accept what was really going on.

They were sheep, right up to the end. We here in present day america are like those warsaw ghetto residents, in a way. Freedoms have been systematically eroded and the noose has been tightened little by little, but the sheep refuse to see and notice, because they still have their safe little fun distractions.

Im right, and all your bitching and condemnation doesn't mean a damn thing.

Im right, and you don't have a clue.

Im a dope, and Im right.

Whats that make you?

Whooo-WHOOOOOOOOOOO! (I hear that train a comin'...........................)


  1. why does it matter if DDT is banned in america? are there malaria outbreaks in the US, killing hundreds or thousands of people? you won't let your kids eat nutra sweet or eat food from pans with teflon, or use floride, but you are on the bring back DDT bandwagon? you call me dumb? funny

    did you happen to notice the articles you referenced, are years old. nearly 10 in one case. not really relevant today.

    anyway, i have had my crazy fix for a bit. plus I have tons of other things to read up on.
    the alien base under Denver Airport
    gotta look into Planet X
    you and your family go to a catholic church. how's that devil worship going?

    enough is enough, 2012 is around the corner. must get ready.

    oh. one last thought. i guess my last comment poked too many holes in your theories since you didnt allow it to post. understandable, I suppose.
    anyway, godspeed, or shall i say devilspeed? you are after all a devil worshipper, right along with the soon to be ex and kids. you see, I saw it on the internet and can put things together.
    best wishes.

    1. Im not interested in making ddt avilable. Im saying that the banning of it was under false pretenses, as was the fda approval of aspertame.
      And catholics dont worship satan,. the Roman government userped the growing christian faith by inserting Jesus and Mary into their babylonian based religion, but rank and file catholics dont deliberately or inadvertently worship satan. The romans simply replaced the "saints", Jesus, Mary, and the cross, with the gods and symbolism of their former beliefs. Many of the opld symbolism is intertwined with the new, "christian" symbols. The corruption and evil of the roman catholic church, which was primarly responsible for the period of human history referred to as "The Dark Ages", is all the evidence that any thinking person would need to understand catholicism, providing that thinking person KNOWS what the Church did to keep the world, dark. the pope, his higher ranking officials, ALL members of the Jesuit order DO in fact worship Satan directly.(the jesuits like mormonism and Islam and every other satanicaly inspired religion, has its origin from a supernatural being delivering the message of "enlightenment" in a cave, or similarly dark secretive hidden setting. Not in the open light of day) but rank and file catholic church members would categorically deny and reject the principle of satan worship. As do I. Interestingly (even if the topic was brought up sarcastically by you), throughout the world, most do worship satan, albeit it inadvertently, through the worship of variously named gods and godesses. All of which, in fact, have their origin in Ancient Babylon. The gods nimrod and semiramis are the basis of all religions, at least the major religions of the earth.
      But you are not interested in discussing or learning anything. You seem consumed with biterness and hate, for reasons I don't even want to delve into. Someone like you hardly has a reason to be bitter. What more out of life do you WANT?? You have EVERYTHING. don't you???

      There is something very peculiar about the construction of the Denver Airport. to deny that is a sign of perfect ignorance. The amount of soil extracted and removed for its construction is MILLIONS of times more than was necessary. That, plus dozens of other f'rinstances, regarding its construction and design, should and did make thinking non sheeple take notice. Some came to outlandish conclusions. Most who investigated it came away knowing that what we see isnt what we got. It is incredibly peculiar, in the least. I'm glad you are aware of it.

      I am not affected or offended by your hate. I know its not about me.

      Get ready for the big deception about to be perpetuated upon mankind.
      What you will see, is not what you will get.

      "lean not upon your own understanding...."
